February 2, 2021

VIEWPOINT 2021: Tom Forsythe, Executive Vice President, KYZEN

VIEWPOINT 2021: Tom Forsythe, Executive Vice President, KYZEN
Tom Forsythe, Executive Vice President, KYZEN
2020 has been quite a year: life threatening, business uncertainty ~ if you were lucky, no in person engagement, but in other ways exhilarating. Facilitating the production of life saving medical and safety devices is even more rewarding these days and keeping one's own production operating was no small feat for most of us.

Despite the challenges, our industry fared far better than many in 2020, KYZEN included. We believe 2021 may start out rocky but will be a great year. The medical profession has come through once again and as the world re-awakes, business will improve.

Our R&D group has been busy, with a range of new products recently released and others coming soon; more high-performance cleaning materials such as AQUANOX A4727 and the well-known AQUANOX A4625 not to mention a host of other new technologies.

Cleaning continues to gain in importance as electronics increasingly add value to more and more aspects of life. When you can't live without it ~ it sure better be cleaned so you can rely on it, and KYZEN is the first call to make to help you start!

Tom Forsythe, Executive Vice President
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